This page will simply be a reflection of what God is doing on this journey, in our minds and to our hearts.
My kids, My inspiration:
Climbing all these amazing rock formations and seeing all the natural beauty has inspired the kids to break out in song from time to time (they are my kids after all) – and we have heard from "Mama Mia" to "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" to "Macklemore" – but my favorite is when they have stood on the rocks and sang from their hearts “I wont let a rock be as loud as my voice, I’ll shout for Jesus!” “I won’t let a rock be as loud as my voice, I’ll sing his praises!” And "This is the Day…the Lord has made…I will rejoice and be glad in it…this is the day!" I pray for boldness like my children.

This is the area we will share notes and thoughts from our quiet times, discipleship times with the kids and studies.
We have been enjoying our "Action Bible" studies with the kids, thank you Bethany!
I am making my way through the bible, and continue to do a daily Oswald Chambers study. Some of my thoughts are here:
What “shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”?(Romans 8:39) Not land or sea, not depth nor height, not sin or even death. Nothing can separate us from God’s love because of the sacrifice of God’s own son. “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) and on him we cast all our cares – knowing that forgiveness came to us – we could not make it to God on our own…although we have tried and as humans and we still try – try to climb the mountains of forgiveness to the heights of the heavens…blinded by the first sin – to be “like God, knowing all things”, it was the reason Eve took the fruit, it is the reason we still fight to be better, grow stronger, have more faith, release our minds from oppression, try to be free. But forgiveness came to us, and set us free.

Let go to find the freedom you seek. In this vast land, I have been thinking much about freedom. Reading "Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee" which brings the struggle for freedom in this land on this earth - helps to remind me of the internal struggle for freedom we fight individually everyday. The freedom in my soul is not a physical one – “It is for Freedom that Christ has set us Free” (Galations 5:1) – and when we are free we are “free indeed”! To be released and free from what enslaves us – sin, pride, self-pity, obligations, deadlines, culture, physical limitations, pain, constraints of life, relationships – to be truly free in Christ, through the power of the cross and the resurrection, is to be “FREE INDEED!”(John 8:36).

Traveling through this incredible land I can see literally that we must grow smaller so He can be larger…Then Jesus told him, "I entered this world to render judgment--to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind." (John 9:39) …we must give up our personal attempts to be holy, it is only through weakness that Christ can be glorified. It is in our “weakness we are strong.” And this weakness and admittance of our weakness is the most difficult aspect of the process towards true freedom. To be less than rather than greater, to be the meak instead of the strong, to be the last instead of the first…radical words, spoken by a radical God.
At times we confuse these words of Christ, and we make people feel guilty or ashamed (as a form of humbling): I know I am guilty of this even with my own children! But we cannot save ourselves, no matter how hard we try. Only then do we understand the words of Christ…we are not to be made humble because of our actions, thoughts, feelings, or words – we are to be made humble because He took our place, died for our sins, the “penalty that was death was upon Him” – If someone had given their life for me, and I was able to see that person face-to-face, I know my first reaction would be one of humility. It would not be in shame that I would meet that person, but with overwhelming awe and thankfulness. “How marvelous how wonderful and my son shall ever be…how marvelous, how wonderful is my Savior’s love for me!”
Talks with God