The 6 Must Do's of Denmark
Number 1: Ride a Bike in Copenhagen and Enjoy a Nyhavn Boat Tour:
Some cities have beaches, other cities have mountains.....Copenhagen has bike lanes and canals. Nothing is quit as Danish as riding a bike through the city or on the canal front. I missed getting a photo of the awesome bucket bike Maro (my wife) was riding. She had a 2 year old and a 6 year old in a front carrier, and she handled it like a boss. We road from the area of Central Station, through the city and up the main canal toward Nyhavn. The two families and our friends made up a total of 15 people and we had no problem walking up and hoping on a Tour boat. It was beautifully sunny and made for a great day. Even if you are not into touristy things, this is one you can make an exception on. I mean come on, your riding around a beautiful city on a boat.
Number 2: Hikes in the Countryside, Specifically Mons Klint:
We did two hikes. One from the upper trail head, and one from the visitor's center. The upper trail head starts through a rolling cow pasture, winds its way through a lush green canopy and ends with a view of the cliffs from the top. This is a moderate hike, as the end of the hike scared some of the kids and one big kid (AKA a full grown Aunt from Texas).
The hike from the visitor center is all stairs, and done very well. However, there are a gagillion stairs and it becomes a workout if you are carrying a 35 pound kid half the time. Cousin Isabelle made it a whopping 37 stairs before cussing out loud, and handing our kid back to me. It ends on the beach end and the views are ok....the hike from the upper trail head is a better hike, but there is more to do at the visitor's center.
Number 3: Eat Strawberries!!!
I had no idea this was a thing in Denmark. If you go in season get some, stop at the roadside stand and stock up.
Number 4: Ice Cream.
I know I just said strawberries, however, we went to a Dairy Farm and had ice cream at the dairy farm. I can't say I have ever ordered ice cream, watched a cow get milked and pet a calf in a 20 minute span. I can say, I'm glad I we did.
Number 5: Tivoli:
There are more then a couple places that will advertise this place. We are not a family that goes to Disney or parks all the time, but we do enjoy them when we go. Tivoli is the 2nd oldest amusement park in the world. The sense of nostalgia is unmistakable. We had young kids, tween, teenagers, college students, young adults and older adults....but this place makes everyone a kid.
Number 6: Explore Museums, Towns and Castles:
Egescov Castle, the Viking Museum, Roskilde Cathedral, and Hans Christian Andersen's home town of Odense are the only places I can speak of. Each had its own appeal, and all are worth seeing. Egescov has amazing grounds with several playgrounds, mazes, and unique "toys" to play with. Roskilde is home to the Viking Museum and the Cathedral. The surrounding area has a great town center, and several shopping streets to make a day of the city. The town of Odense was another place that had a nostalgic charm. Walking the quiet streets and seeing the pretty little homes take you to another time. Plus we had some great burgers that day and saw Frenchy (our cousin, not her real name) and her family this day. It was a pretty town and a pretty great experience.